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How to Get Traffic to Your Blog

So you have been blogging for months and years, you write about the most interesting stuff and you are confident that your style of writing is fun and sassy. Yet, you keep wondering why your readership remains to be of relatives, friends and co-workers. There are different kinds of blogs out there serving a different purpose
for different writers, but mainly the major point of these blogs is to have people read and get traffic. There are a number of ways how to get traffic to your blog and have people read your stuff.
It's all about networking
Never underestimate the power of social networking. Link your blog or posts on your social network profile or on social sharing sites to get traffic. People who are interested in the topics you write about will eventually get to visit your blog and read your stuff. There are a lot of sites that you can share a link or two like Facebook, StumbleUpon, or Twitter just make sure you keep on linking. You will be surprised by how a link can get you a lot of blog visitors.
Content Matters
So now you've made them visit your blog from the links you posted, the question now is how to turn them into regular visitors of your blog. Content, content, content is a major thing to consider. There are blogs that get so much traffic because of optimizing the words they use but the content does not make sense. There are ways on how to get traffic to your blog but never compromise the quality of content for quantity. You want to make sure that your readership enjoys reading you that they will talk about you to people they know. Be funny and be someone readers can relate to that even if you talk about sci-fi movies you can sell your posts to a girl who loves romantic comedies.
Let them learn from you
Writing a funny and entertaining post is one thing, letting your readers learn and use you as a resource is another. Do your homework and research on things you blog about so people who get to read your blog can reference you because you are giving responsible and factual information. Through this you are building a solid foundation and trust between you as the writer and them as your audience.
Consistency is Key
Yes, it's inevitable that you may experience a blogging dry spell. You are stuck in a rut that you do not have any idea what you can talk about. Days and weeks go by you post nothing and the people who want to be updated are slowly slipping away. Understand the value of consistency, no matter how short or mundane it may be, you have to write. Through this your readers will know that your presence is still there that they have something they can read after a full day's work. If you are a consistent writer you will have a consistent audience.
These are only a few things that can help on how to get traffic to your blog and there are more tips that you can do. Remember you can get a lot of traffic, any blog can if they do some techniques or strategies, but the difference between a good blog and a great blog is getting a good amount of traffic and keeping it.

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