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4 Online Marketing Mistakes You Have To Avoid

Here are the 4 Online Marketing mistakes you have to avoid:

Avoid pushing for the sale: Apparently 99% of your web visitors will not buy from you the first time they visit your site. Even though your services are what they might need, they still want to spend time thinking about it. The only problem in this case is that they can leave your site and get consumed with other websites which have something that your site does not have. In most cases the solution
is to get them to stay longer even though they have no intention of buying yet. This can be done by having a landing page on your site. A landing page is a form which you can place on your site where you give visitors a valuable gift in return for their names and email address. The gift can be in the form of a free report, an mp3, and video tutorial series and so on. The form is also an opportunity for them to opt in to your e-zine if you have one. The beauty of this strategy is that you now the permission to contact them as many times as you want.
Avoid the plain old newsletter style: An example of this plain old style newsletter is this "leave your details to receive a monthly newsletter", this is not effective anymore. People are inundated with so many emails daily so even though you offer the right service they do not want to receive another email to clutter their mailbox. This audience want to know why they should leave you their details. The solution to this is to appear different and unique from all your competitors. As stated in the previous point give away a gift actually I would say gifts. Be different as your competitors are not doing this and this is the only way someone would want to give you their names and email addresses.
Not enough communication: Communicating only once to your list that you have built is not enough to generate any sale. Send at least 7 messages and each message must not be the same, at the end of each message you can then use that as an opportunity to promote your products and services.
Too much focus on Social Media: Social Media marketing is great. Using the internet as the only option to get clients by sitting in front of your computer all day is not good enough. Attend networking events, bring people from the online world by meeting up with them offline. If you do meet a contact online and the person lives abroad, you can get to speak to them by Skype.
Avoiding the above online marketing mistakes would definitely guarantee success and growth in your business.

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