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The One Thing You're Forgetting On Your Sales Page

If you take a look at sales page these days, they all have one thing in common: Bullet lists. These are long lists of features that hope to convince the poor customer to buy the product. They have to be useful, since so many people are using them, right? Well, maybe not.

Imagine walking into a showroom floor to take a look at the new SUV everybody's been talking about. As soon as you walk in and sit down, the salesperson starts into his pitch. He spends about an hour telling you everything imaginable about the car. Every feature, every benefit, and every reason for you to buy.
This car has four disc brakes, and what that means to you is that you can stop in a hurry. That's important to you, right?
This car also has an extra large gas tank. That means you'll be able to drive further without stopping for gas. That's important to you, right?
Well, maybe not.
Unless you talk to your customers and actually figure out what's important to them, you'll likely miss it. Imagine if a customer was primarily interested in an SUV with a big gas tank and four disc brakes. They'd have to sit through seventeen thousand other features and benefits so that they'd either be asleep or so turned off they couldn't wait to leave by the time you got to the features they were actually interested in.
But how do you do this on a static sales page? It's actually not nearly as hard as you think. Doing research is critical. Sure, most people do tons of research on their products, but unless you know who you're selling to, you're shooting in the dark.
At the very least, you should know the basic demographics of your customers. Get yourself into their shoes. Find out what they are scared of. Find out what they're secret dreams are. This isn't so difficult.
Find some forums where they hang out and talk. See them with their guard down. Read enough about them so that you feel as if you really know them.
Then when it comes time to write your sales copy, write it as if you are speaking to them over a cup of coffee in your local coffee shop. Forget the high pressure words and killer punch lines. Tell them exactly why their product is good for them. Tell them some stories about how they'll benefit. Give them some examples of other customers.

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