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How To Use Books And Ebooks To Market Your Business

Amazon is the most popular online bookstore in the world. It is a great place to market your books and ebooks because they make it really easy to get into their catalog.

If you want to get the most from your marketing efforts, then there are certain things you will need to do that will increase your success.
If you have a book you haven't published, then the easiest way to get into the Amazon catalog is by using CreateSpace.

CreateSpace is an on demand publisher created by Amazon that allows you to have your books published for free. (The charge to print is nominal.) Once your book has been approved, CreateSpace will add it to the Amazon catalog. Although this can take about five to seven days, I've actually had my titles added in as little as two hours once they were approved.
If you write ebooks, then convert them to the Kindle format. Amazon offers plenty of information on how to format your ebooks for Kindle, and there are even some great tools to help you do this. You can find them by searching in the search engines, and you may even find some tools you can use for free. You can give away or sell your title. If you choose to give it away, then you will need to make your Kindle exclusive to
 Amazon during the time frame you are giving it away.

Once you are listed on Amazon, then your next step is to go to the author profiles section and create your author profile. By creating an author profile, you can display all the books and ebooks you have written, as well as add your blog. You may also share your profile on Facebook and Twitter. Your Twitter updates will also show, so make sure you add your Facebook and Twitter information.
Include a good biography, as well as your picture. Make your profile as personal as possible. This will help your readers to get to know you. Credibility online is important, so I really cannot stress this enough.
Write reviews.

Writing reviews helps you get your name in circulation. The more reviews you write, the more chances you have to promote your books by including a short signature. Link to your book. Don't go crazy here, but Amazon loves it when you link to other products, even yours.
Writing how to guides is also a great way to promote. You can include your website address if you do it correctly. This allows you to demonstrate your expertise in your subject and show readers you know your topic. It can help your readers become buyers.

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