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Your Daily Internet Marketing Success Plan

If you want to succeed at internet marketing, then you need a plan. It doesn't have to be anything complicated. Just create a plan of tasks you want to do each day to market your business. You may want to choose to do different tasks on different days, or you may do the same tasks each day. Whatever you decide, organize your plan and stick to it because a good plan will get you the momentum you need to automate much of your marketing.

Below is a sample plan I created for my business, and I try to do these tasks each day. Make sure you set aside a specific amount of time to complete each task. Otherwise, there won't be enough hours in the day to get these things done. Also, use a timer if you have to. This can really help you get the most from your marketing and get those tasks completed.
1. Write one article each day.
If you want to create long term traffic that will come to your website for years to come, nothing is better than writing articles. Articles will help you brand your business, build backlinks, help with search engine optimization, and provide value to all your products and services.
Make sure you write plenty of articles. Submit them to the top article directories, as well as smaller directories in order to build your link campaign. Also consider publications in your industry, as well as guest blog posts.
2. Create one video per day.
Video is now one of the most popular ways to market your business online and with good reason. YouTube is the third most popular website on the internet, and it gets tons of traffic. Create video tutorials, walk throughs, and anything else that will help others connect with your business. Comment on other videos, as well as use your videos for replies, and don't forget to post your videos on your site.
3. Post on your blog every day.
Blogging is both a long term and short term strategy that allows you to connect with your audience. It's also a great way to build a website as you won't be spending a lot of time on the technical side of things. Instead, you can focus your efforts on writing good content.
4. Post blog comments every day.
If you want others to read your blog, then get out and read their blogs. Write insightful comments. It really doesn't take that long, just four or five comments per day. Over time this will really build up a ton of links pointing back to your site. The most important benefit is that other blog readers will read your comments, and the site owner will probably pay you a visit to and comment on your blog.
5. Build your social presence every day.
Sites like Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn can really drive a lot of traffic to your site because they are some of the top sites in the world. This is the place to meet and greet others in your industry, as well as connect with customers.
Seek out other sites, especially those in your industry. Find four or five industry related sites and get involved. Work Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn regularly and get connected. Make sure you complete your profiles for all these sites because you want to let others know what your business is all about.
Do these tasks regularly, and you will see success. Design your own marketing plan and stick to it. You will see results.

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